Thursday, January 11, 2007

Meat and Potatoes

Not the basics... not the meal...  the design company!  My old hockey buddy Todd Gallopo, also happens to be founder of the stellar graphic design company Meat and Potatoes, and he's graciously lended his talents to help market the film.

Todd's contributions include a beautiful book, containing the short film script interleaved with vellum prints of my drawings, and a fresh new logo.

I wanted the font to feel feminine, and be all about light (a main theme in the story).   Boy did he deliver.

This is proof that no man is an island.  Todd has talents I could never hope to have.  My brain just doesn't understand these things like his does.  Plugging him in to Lucy is really giving this thing an identity, a shot in the arm.  Collaboration is the key to success.  You can't do this stuff on your own.

Even though I'm still trying to wrap this layout on my own.  Next time, hopefully it'll be different.